
Webinar: Prof. Felipe Herrera

On September 7th at 15:00 (CLT, GMT/UTC -4 hours) Dr. Felipe Herrera from Universidad de Santiago de Chile will give a webinar about molecular ensembles in confined infrared (IR) fields as a promising platform for condensed-phase cavity QED at room temperature. His work offers microscopic design strategies for quantum state preparation and control with emitter-nanocavity hybrids using infrared quantum optics (for further details see abstract and visit his homepage).

Interested in attending the webinar please write an email to qcmm[at]udec.cl asking for the zoom link of the webinar.



Septemer 7th 2021

Prof. Thomas Kühne

On July 13th at 13:00 (CLT, GMT/UTC -4 hours) Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühne from Paderborn University, Germany will give a webinar about the Open Source software CP2K used to study the dynamics of condensed matter.

Interested in attending the webinar please write an email to qcmm[at]udec.cl asking for the zoom link of the webinar.

Interested in watching the webinar please use the attached link.

