QCMM-2022 Symposium
21 - August - 2022

The Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Modeling (QCMM) group invites you to attend the QCMM-2022 Symposium. This event will be held October 27th to 28th, 2022 at Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
On the one hand, this scientific meeting will be an opportunity for scientists working in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry to present and discuss the latest research advances. On the other hand, this event will enable the return to person-to-person contact that leads to the sort of discussions that are critically important in any scientific work.
The Program of the Symposium includes Invited Lectures, Oral Talks and Posters. Some Invited Lectures will be held in the online modality.
Scientific committee
- Dr. Esteban Vöhringer-Martínez
- Dr. Stefan Vogt
Organizing committee
- Dr. Nery Villegas-Escobar
- Dr. Adelio R. Matamala
- Dr. David Sáez
Confirmed Speakers
Dr. Alejandro Toro-Labbé (PUC, Chile)
Dr. Helmut Grubmüller (Max-Planck Institute Göttingen, Germany)
Dr. Lynn Shina Kamerlin (Georgia Tech, EEUU)
Dr. Mark Tuckerman (New York University, EEUU)
Dr. Farnaz Heidar-Zadeh (Queen’s University, Canada)
Dr. Johannes Kästner (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Dr. William Tiznado (UNAB, Chile)
Dr. Julio Caballero (UTalca, Chile)
Dr. Carlos Cardenas (UChile, Chile)
Registration Fees
Academics and Postdocs : CLP $70.000.-
Graduate students : CLP $50.000.-
Undergraduate students : CLP $20.000.- (cupos limitados)
Each payments includes the participation to all scientific and social activities (coffee breaks and dinner).
Some scholarships will be provided for undergraduate and graduate students. Further information can be found in the application form.
COVID-19: All attendees must follow the local covid-19 protocols.
Dates of importance
Registration and submission of abstracts deadline : September 25th (23:59)
Notification of acceptance : October 3rd
Notification of scholarships : October 3rd
Payment deadline : October 7th